The Knesset approved a second 2024 budget, driven by the Israel-Hamas war, with 57 votes for and 51 against.
Finance Minister Smotrich seeks approval for a NIS 3 billion fund to cover war expenses, sparking internal tension over Israel's budget management.
The evacuation extensions will be financed by a sweeping 1% budget cut.
Per the minister's instructions, presentations on the budget will be held over two focused days instead of over the course of months.
"It is inconceivable that the concern for the PA and terror funds that it pays to families of terrorists will be more important than the citizens of Israel," Smotrich wrote.
Liberman, chairman of the Yisrael Beiteinu party, criticized the government's budget plan and raised concerns that cabinet member Dermer made commitments to the Saudis about a Palestinian state.
In an unexpected development, Agriculture Minister Dichter threatened to not support the budget over cuts to agricultural research, leading to an announced delay.
Although the 2024 budget is highly likely to be passed into law by Wednesday, many controversial factors remain on the agenda, namely funding for the haredi education system.
The report clarified that it is a large event, and the request would include dozens of busses, which is estimated to cost the state hundreds of thousands of shekels.
According to the official Knesset website, a national unity government is one based on a broad coalition, the members of which also include representatives of rival parliamentary groups.