israeli knesset

Is Israel's judicial crisis part of the Trumpist epoch?

MIDDLE ISRAEL: The lying that accompanies the Levin Plan is part of the global war on truth.

Friendliness between opposing MKs is a sin to Israeli public - opinion

At the end of the day, even MKs who argue with one another and accuse one another of destroying democracy, are human beings.

A MAN wraps fresh matza during Passover in Ashdod in 2016

Ministers approve controversial 'Hametz Law' for preliminary reading in Knesset

The "Hametz Law" makes it illegal for hospitals to enter or hold hametz (leavened bread) during Passover.

Declaring a PM 'incapacitated' will require 90 MKs' approval, coalition proposes

Simcha Rothman: Israel's attorney-general is biased and is manipulating public opinion on judicial reforms.

Herzog provided Israel's politicians a way out - will they take it? - analysis

Herzog called for a halt in the legislative process, an appeal Rothman ignored when he went ahead with the twin votes in his committee. But still, there was some slow movement.


Some hospitals, homes in high-risk areas are in danger of collapse

Knesset Health Committee: Israel is not ready for medical crisis that could result from powerful earthquake and would need foreign assistance.

Why doesn't Israel have a constitution? The origins of the story

LEGAL AFFAIRS: Israel was supposed to have a constitution. It was in the United Nations resolution 181 and in the Declaration of Independence.

Rothman: Hayut attempting to stop Knesset legislation

"The bill that was put before the committee contradicts basic human rights in Israel" - Likud MK Uriel Lynn

Israel’s pro-democracy protests go global, with expats planning rallies in NYC and beyond

Israelis living abroad are presumed to be more left-leaning than those in Israel, although the community is diverse.


Legal advisor regulation hits snag in committee, other reforms advance

Discussion of legislation regulating government legal advisors was beyond the scope of the items that a committee can address-Knesset legal advisor

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