israeli movies

The couple behind the new Israeli film ‘Midlife’

Midlife features a cast of some of Israel’s biggest stars in the story of two sisters whose lives take different paths and are brought back together in an unexpected way. 

Karlovy Vary Film Festival to screen Israeli film 'Tropicana'

Tropicana, Tobi’s feature-film debut, stars Irit Sheleg, who appeared in the movie, Fill the Void, and the television series Sirens, as a cashier at a supermarket in the Negev.

Israeli Academy presents TV awards, with 'Unsilenced' and 'Six Zeros' winning big

Despite the war scaling back the festivities, the Israeli Academy of Film and Television presented a modest event that honored the best of Israel's entertainment industry.

Amos Gitai's new film 'Shikun' reflects current situation in Israel

Shikun (Hebrew for housing project), which was received enthusiastically by the Berlin audience, is Gitai’s 67th film

Jerusalem Film Festival welcomes new artistic director

The Jerusalem Cinematheque’s board of directors and Mahadav-Levin welcomed Sigoli and thanked Samorzik for his years of service

Movie discounts for soldiers and a new Israeli Cinema Day coming up

Israel is doing all it can to support soldiers and keep them entertained during wartime.

Much-awaited movies at the Haifa Film Festival enjoyed by distinguished guests

Among the guests this year will be actress Leonie Benesch, Stephan Komandarev, Sofia Exarchou and many others.

Jerusalem Film Festival to open with Golda, starring Helen Mirren

Golda tells the story of former prime minister Golda Meir, focusing on how she handled the Yom Kippur War, a topic that was the source of great controversy and which led her to resign.

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