
A surprising swarm of jellyfish has reached the Haifa shores in winter

Jellyfish have been thought only to be a summer phenomenon, however, a surprising appearance of jellyfish in December has raised new questions.


Jellyfish can learn from past experiences despite having no brain – study

Jellyfish were able to learn where obstacles were placed and actively avoid them.


Scientists find oldest fossilized jellyfish - study

These fossils are considered to be especially valuable as it is rare for jellyfish to fossilize because they are made up of 95% water.


Israeli jellyfish experts predict a summer jellyfish-free on Israel's shores

Usually, at this time of the year, huge swarms of jellyfish would have already reached Israel’s beaches, but now, they're almost completely free of them.

AT LEAST eight types of Jellyfish populate Israeli waters, most of which don’t sting

New box jellyfish species found in Hong Kong's waters - study

Box jellyfish, scientifically known as class Cubozoa, includes some of the highly venomous marine animals that are widely known in tropical waters, the study said.

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