Oren Lotan is the projects manager for the Jerusalem Transportation Master Plan Team (JTMPT), working to improve transportation in Jerusalem.
Nicky Cregor made aliyah at 19 and went on to receive a degree in social work from the University of Haifa. Now, she's assumed a new administrative post at the Jerusalem Municipality.
Haifa was the biggest city to be holding a second round. Other cities include Ariel, Beit Shemesh, Harish, Rehovot, Ramle, Kiryat Gat, Pardes Hannah–Karkur, Nes Tziyona, and Binyamina-Givat Ada.
The post of mayor and 30 city council seats were at stake in determining Jerusalem’s future.
Jerusalem barely turned out to the polls for the municipal elections. What happens next?
I decided to take my cat Medici – full name: HaRav Medici di Cuddlebutt Reich, a staunch supporter of Shas – to vote in the Jerusalem municipal elections.
With the majority of ballots counted, the incumbents of Israel's two largest cities cling to victory and are set to serve for another five years.
"The participation of a Palestinian list in the occupation's municipal elections in Jerusalem is a shameless normalization that serves the plans of the occupation," read the announcement.
Jerusalemite of the Week: Ahead of the municipal elections, In Jerusalem sat with Rabbi Pear to discuss his entry into politics, as well as what he hopes to advance on the city council.
Jerusalemite of the Week: Ahead of municipal elections, In Jerusalem sat down with Laura Wharton and discussed her positions and goals she hopes to advance as part of Yossi Havilio’s Jerusalem Union.