A series of weekly articles in the In Jerusalem supplement covering a different resident of Jerusalem and what they do that makes them interesting.
Jerusalemite of the week: India Abraham is a practitioner of medical tattooing who had already helped scores of people before Oct. 7, but her work has taken on even greater significance since then.
Jerusalemite of the Week: MakeGamesJLM is a community of indie video game developers operating out of Jerusalem, and Amir Blum is at the center of this community.
Jerusalemite of the Week: Rabbi Ido Pachter of Beit Midrash LeMa'ase is attempting to reframe how we approach Jewish law to create something new: Halachat Yisraeli (Israeli Jewish law).
Jerusalemite of the Week: For Tuni Cohen, moving to Israel was a dream come true. Raising a special and amazing family made it even better.
Jerusalemite of the Week: The Jewish people have an incredibly diverse tradition of music throughout the Diaspora. Immigrants brought them to Israel, and Sharona Deri preserves them.
Jerusalemite of the Week: After interviewing singer-songwriter Shifra Jacobs of Sad City, we take a look at her musical partner in crime, guitarist Andi Abboudi.
Jerusalemite of the Week: Discussing music with Shifra Jacobs.
Jerusalemite of the week: Exploring Israel's cinematic traditions and history with Roni Mahadav-Levin, Jerusalem Cinematheque CEO.
Jerusalemite of the week: Understanding trends in Israeli cinema with Amy Kronish.
Jerusalemite of the week: Rabbi Meesh Hammer-Kossoy in a senior role at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies.