“While the challenge of war still persists, we believe that by bringing children together for an immersive educational camping experience, we can help them thrive."
The bottom line, he said, is that when a camp chooses to hire Israeli staff, that itself is a statement — one that he said is worth the possible discontent.
Campers2Gether allows both Israeli youth and diaspora Jews to grow solidarity amongst one another and remember that the Jewish nation is united as one.
The Yael Foundation's camp held its third year in Poland with both a boys' camp and a girls' camp.
The camp’s approach to spirituality enhances campers’ connection to both their Judaism and to the ocean.
Camp Simcha and a sister camp, Camp Simcha Special, are operated by Chai Lifeline, a Jewish nonprofit serving families with children who have serious diseases.
Just days out from their campers’ return home, the company hired to transport all of their belongings home had announced its sudden closure.
The current implementation of rules involving mixed-biological gender housing is causing Jewish camps from varying ideological persuasions to take a position on the issue.
A police statement said the damage rant to about $450,000 in US dollars. It said the fire “was of an arson nature.”