At Prizmah, we model what it means to be a data-driven organization by using data to craft organizational strategy, define programmatic goals, and evaluate and measure impact.
Now more than ever, we must invest in Jewish day schools to provide our kids – our Jewish future – with the knowledge, the tools, and the pure and simple love of Israel that will empower them.
During their visit, they explored the Gaza envelope area and held a meeting with the President of Israel Isaac Herzog.
DIASPORA AFFAIRS: Since Israeli schools and daycares are on hiatus or only open intermittently, the first stop for Israelis coming to America is Jewish day schools.
Whin days after the war began, Prizmah began getting calls from Jewish day school leaders about accepting Israeli students.
Jewish education should be a place of joy and positive experiences, and Adam Sandler's most recent film depicts it as such.
The government says it needs the new legislation as there is no legal obligation to report whether a child is home-schooled.
Given the data, our charge should be obvious: to increase the number of non-Orthodox children enrolled in Jewish day schools.
85% of Orthodox adults said that they attended full-time Jewish day schools for at least one year, as opposed to 31% of Conservative-affiliated Jews and 14% of Reform-affiliated Jews.
Israel's Diaspora Affairs Minister Amichai Chikli said that “we are losing large parts of the Jewish people,” as a result of the small percentage of Jews who send their children to Jewish day schools