In the modern epoch, academic study of the Hebrew Bible attributes conflicting texts in the Torah to different human sources.
Faith is an indefinable emotion. It doesn’t remove pain, but it can help you endure it.
The Maccabees understood the message: Yes, pure oil, even in small quantities, can illuminate much more than meets the eye.
Taking the long view of Jewish history mustn’t distract us from present and immediate challenges, but it should provide optimism even during dark moments.
How can we extol a God who listens to the calls of His people and provides for His creations when confronted with such unspeakable violence?
The movie, produced by Trinity Broadcasting Company, was released on Monday night.
Both sides need to open up Tuesday’s Daf - Gittin 56 – and learn the lessons, and both sides need to do so immediately.
Ben-Gurion was warned repeatedly that should he carry out his pledge to declare statehood, we would be cast into a hostile sea of enemies who would determinedly bang against our hull.
Though the red heifer ceremony is exceptional, it is also iconic. It signals that all commandments lie beyond the grasp of human comprehension.
Choosing to be Jewish is at the center of Jewish life in America, how are the different streams of Judaism adapting?