That innocent little top, with a Hebrew letter carved on each side, carries within it a great deal of Jewish history and inspiration.
Illuminating hearts, inspiring hope: The international Judaica and silverware brand Hazorfim presents the 2024 Hanukkah collection.
Jewish pride is the ability to live with Jewish confidence, stemming from a connection to Judaism that adds value and meaning to one’s life.
The tradition of building up to lighting eight oil lamps (plus one shamash, or servitor) over the Hanukkah period began in the 2nd century CE.
Lighting the Hanukkah candles becomes an act of defiance against despair, a symbol of unwavering faith, and a reminder that even in the darkest times, the Jewish people can glow brightly.
Erev Yalda: Merging Hanukkah and Persian solstice traditions for a festive celebration of light and community.
Bringing light to all: Chabad’s Hanukkah video program shares joy and meaning in spaces where candles can’t burn.
Only through the cracks can the light begin to seep in.
Christmas celebrations were a staple of my childhood and shaped my Jewish identity in ways I didn’t fully understand at the time.
The best shopping recommendations for religious Israelis.