On an average year, it is estimated there are 15 to 20 such cases in Israel and a couple in the United States. During wartime, that number goes up.
Jerusalemite of the Week: Rabbi Ido Pachter of Beit Midrash LeMa'ase is attempting to reframe how we approach Jewish law to create something new: Halachat Yisraeli (Israeli Jewish law).
Jerusalem students remove TOMS shoes and walk barefoot after discovering forbidden Shaatnez, showing swift adherence to religious law.
Generally, Halacha permits only medical interventions whose efficacy has been proven. Yet even with tested treatments, one cannot be sure that the intervention will succeed.
Citing biblical precedents, Aviner referenced the Book of Esther (9:10, 15, 16), highlighting that after their victory, the Jews refrained from taking spoils from their enemies,
"It's unacceptable for a woman to find herself in a situation of get refusal even for a minute, let alone 6 years, as I experienced."
This method is time-consuming and expensive, but it is also an incredible method to prevent conception with eggs that have evidence of genetic abnormality.
When Trump rejected his New York trial verdict, Jewish legal perspectives on acceptance of court rulings highlight the contrast between American and Jewish law.
Make sure that your legacy is a fond one for your heirs, and that no one is forgotten or slighted. Do all involved a favor and update your will and any beneficiary designations.
Even if this prediction of mass starvation turns out to be another UN-aided false defamation of Israel, the government of Israel must act decisively now to turn it into a false prophecy of doom.