South African Jewish leaders met with President Ramaphosa to discuss rising antisemitism but were surprised when he accused Israel of genocide, later using the meeting to charge Israel.
The Winnipeg Jewish Federation and the Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs are forming a joint initiative to combat antisemitism.
The challenge to communal leaders is to maintain the norm while accepting the divergent.
We have yet to hear anyone take responsibility for the lack of communication or the slowness of the reaction of the security forces.
As a teacher, he was uniquely compelling and continues to inspire through The Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies.
As the leaders of some of the largest Jewish communities in the world, these five Jewish leaders help keep Jewish life worldwide safe, vibrant, and thriving.
The award was presented to Neishlos for his work in empowering the third generation through the lessons of the past to ensure a better future, emboldening the next generation of Jewish leadership.
The gathering included leaders and Jewish professionals from 35 communities across Europe and covered a broad range of topics
The president addressed the 100 participants of Masa's Wilf Leadership Summit who gathered in Israel from over 11 different countries.