“In our great city, with a large population of Jewish residents, one of the candidates running for mayor is spewing antisemitism," Adams reportedly said.
Progressive movements in the United States have formed a dangerous alliance with radical Muslim groups, using victimhood to create an anti-American coalition.
Fulfilling the commandment of circumcision means taking the ordinary body of a human being and transforming it into something holy that has been brought into the covenant/treaty of Hashem’s people.
Despite the statistics, despite the threats, I see people proudly wearing kippot. In airports, travelers pause to lay tefillin. The Jewish people have always endured, and they will again.
Solomon and Cook are being honored in recognition of their ongoing commitment to the land and people of Israel, and in particularly their support of the country’s northern region.
Purim marks the first large-scale attempt to eradicate the Jewish nation
How tattoos are helping Jewish individuals remember, reflect, and reunite
The story of the Soviet leader’s time in power, his policies against Jews, and his relationship with Israel and Zionism
From ancient Persia to today, the Jewish people have faced enemies seeking their destruction—but like in the Purim story, they continue to rise, fight, and endure.
The poll reflected a shift toward deepening skepticism, with 44% left-wing voters, saying a peace deal was unlikely.