The frantic flow of information, the constant calls from reporters asking what they should do, and the tearing up of completed pages to make room for the horrendous news.
Behind the Bylines: Graphic designers on the layout team are the ones who actually articles on the pages, who make everything fit. They make the news possible, and Olga Levi is one of them.
A freelance journalist and public relations consultant, he specializes in PR for nonprofits. Until recently, he served as the international spokesperson for the Yesha Council and Gush Etzion.
Now, 36 years later, Rabinovich republishes Jerusalem on Earth in a revised edition lavishly illustrated with photographs.
The Elon Perry scandal of fake news reported by the Jewish Chronicle is reportedly just the latest in a pattern of problems infecting the world's oldest Jewish newspaper.
Behind the Bylines: David Brinn has been working at the Post for decades, and his career has seen him interview big names in music and help push Israel's "beyond the conflict" message off the ground.
Editor Jake Wallis Simons said he understood "why some columnists have decided to step back from the paper" and hoped that one day they would return."