The National Bank of Kazakhstan has reduced its gold reserves, marking a shift in its investment strategy. Gold holdings now stand at 290 tonnes.
As the International Day Against Nuclear Tests is observed, Kazakhstan's tragic history with nuclear weapons serves as a powerful reminder of the need for global disarmament.
Today, Central Asia is an "island of stability" in an unstable world. Friendship and peace exist there among people from different backgrounds.
The traditional vin d'honneur reception took place at Jerusalem's King David hotel, with new ambassadors meeting their colleagues from other countries.
HIT's Seminar reflects its vision to serve as a bridge between cultures and peoples, and as a vehicle to build new bridges between nations and religions.
Hamas’s charter not only calls for the destruction of Israel but for the destruction of the Jewish people, the eradication of Judaism.
“My dream is to be an engineer, work in my field in an exciting company that is bringing positive change to this world, and start a family. Israel is where my present and future come together.”
To build a new system of international security, the world requires a new global movement for peace. I believe the role of religious leaders will be indispensable here.
The record of close calls over the decades shows just how near the world was to a nuclear catastrophe. The time to eliminate the man-made threat of nuclear weapons is now.
Nikita Kislitsin, an employee of Russian cybersecurity firm F.A.C.C.T., was detained on June 22 and Kazakh authorities are considering Washington's extradition request.