One of the suspects had been shot and captured earlier in May, by police after a raid on the man's apartment became violent.
Police said that there were no reported injuries and that they had a 70-year-old woman in custody.
Daniel Nave went into the knife business during COVID. Now, he's arguably the premier handmade artisan chef knife maker in Israel.
The arrest followed an investigation which was opened in late July 2023.
The man, a self-proclaimed "Nazi", followed the students off the bus and continued to shout antisemitic obscenities at them.
Two of the children were in critical but stable condition in a hospital a day after the attack. The other two - and two pensioners who were also wounded - had less serious injuries.
BFM TV reported that the attack had happened in a park and that the assailant had been a Syrian asylum seeker.
The pair is on sale for $59.97 during our Memorial Day Sale, and could help you meal prep for your upcoming parties and barbecues more easily.
Police arrived at the scene and shot the assailant twice.
The soldier on leave was attacked by a group of masked boys, who sprayed him with tear gas, electrocuted and cut him on the head.