Trudeau, 53, took office in November 2015 and won reelection twice, becoming one of Canada's longest-serving prime ministers.
From Amsterdam to Sderot, the ideology is the same. It is a deep-rooted hatred for any expression of democratic and liberal values.
In their worldview, it cannot be that human beings are capable of such atrocities on their own; it must be a reaction to even graver crimes committed by others.
George and Alex Soros back Kamala Harris after Biden exits the 2024 race, calling for unity against Trump. Their endorsement sparks new debates on political influence.
The liberals are cursing the conservatives; the conservatives are cursing the liberals. Accusations from friends and congregants alike, seeing only the other at fault, blind to our own shortcomings.
American and European institutions of higher learning harbor academics promoting the idea of the West as a sinful civilization, irremediably guilty of the most horrific crimes.
These students are rioting on their university campuses not because they care deeply about Palestinians; most couldn’t even point Gaza out on a map
Her new book applies to Jews and Israel, especially post-October 7 when American Jews were stunned by their progressive peers.
Liberal democracies include the above, as well as "judicial and legislative constraints on the executive along with the protection of civil liberties and equality before the law."
Since the October 7 brutal and reprehensible massacre of Israeli and foreign civilians and the taking of hostages, the world is witnessing an unprecedented resurgence of pure antisemitism.