majdal shams

US response to Hezbollah attack on Majdal Shams influences regional dynamics

The US response to Hezbollah's attack on Majdal Shams is closely watched, influencing regional perceptions and shaping US-Israel dynamics amid ongoing tensions.

Benjamin Netanyahu vows strong response to Hezbollah attack killing 12 children in Majdal Shams

Prime Minister Netanyahu vowed a strong response to Hezbollah's attack that killed 12 children, despite international calls for restraint.

Hezbollah’s predicament after Majdal Shams

Hezbollah doesn’t want a major war, but it wants the privilege to continue smaller attacks. It wants to maintain the “right” to attack most of northern Israel, up to a range of around ten miles.

Lebanese Druze 'Appalled and heartbroken by Hezbollah’s Majdal Shams massacre'

Two Druze activists from Lebanon extend their condolences, describe persecution and brainwashing attempts by Hezbollah


'Hezbollah is taunting Israel': Retired US general calls Majdal Shams attack 'intentional'

"When you have continuous attacks on the territory of Israel by Hezbollah, a terrorist organization that has supported Iran, you have to provide a proportional response."

We must not let the Majdal Shams childrens' deaths be in vain

What Israel and those countries that are condemning the Hezbollah attack are going to do now will determine whether Hezbollah and Lebanon will pay the price to compensate for such a dastardly act.

'Unimaginable pain': World Jewish Congress condemns Hezbollah attack on Majdal Shams Druze village

WJC President Ronald Lauder condemned the Hezbollah attack on Majdal Shams, expressed solidarity with the Druze community, and called for justice.

Gajafara Ibrahim, 11, confirmed killed in Majdal Shams attack

11-year-old Gjafara Ibrahim was confirmed killed in a Hezbollah attack on Majdal Shams, local teen friend recounts “horrifying” experience.

US, France scramble to stop Hezbollah attack sparking larger Lebanon war

Netanyahu held a security cabinet meeting late Sunday night at the Defense Ministry headquarters in Tel Aviv, following security consultations.

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