majdal shams

Lebanon, Hezbollah run from responsibility for Majdal Shams massacre

In a rare move, Hezbollah and Lebanese officials deny involvement in the Majdal Shams child massacre, spreading misinformation to avoid backlash as evidence mounts against them.

Majdal Shams massacre: An Israeli failure in managing conflict

The massacre in Majdal Shams reveals the failures of Israel's conflict management strategy, showing how efforts to maintain peace have instead empowered its enemies.

IDF chief of staff: Israel raising readiness to 'next level,' prepared to strike

Halevi added that any group that fired a rocket into a built-up area intended "to kill children" and lent his support to the Druze community, who he called "brave partners".

Hezbollah denies rocket attack on Druze village, a twist in the conflict

In a shocking development, Hezbollah has denied responsibility for a devastating rocket attack on Majdal Shams, a Druze village in the Golan Height, raising questions about Hezbollah's motives.

International leaders condemn 'abhorrent' missile attack on Israeli Druze village

"The Middle East is on the brink; the world and the region cannot afford another open conflict," UN envoy for peace stated.

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