making aliyah

Israel's population shift: How global events are reshaping the Jewish state

As Israel navigates these parallel movements, its remarkable ability to absorb and integrate new immigrants will once again be tested.


Dan S. Chill: World naïve art promoter in Israel

Listening to his life story, including the tragic events of his childhood, the sense was that he had rediscovered his childhood in naïve art.


Bayit Balev: Making a home for senior olim in Jerusalem

Bayit Balev manager Aliza Siekierski wants the facility to welcome new senior immigrants.

 MICHAEL AND his wife, Ruth Gan Kagan (couple at R on couch), with their children and grandchildren.

Michael Kagan: Israel's playwright, documentarian, poet, scientist, and more

Michael Kagan played a role in transforming the state through his varied ventures as a scientist, entrepreneur, poet, documentarian, playwright, teacher, and more.

 Tamar Weiner

From chemistry to cakes: How aliyah inspired an organic chemist’s entrepreneurial spirit

As the owner of Beatriz Bakery, Tamar Wiener has embraced a community of entrepreneurs who have contributed to Israel’s image of the land of opportunity.

  Oskar, Rodrigo, and Gustavo Rivera receive their conversion to Judaism certificates.

Three Jewish converts in Mexico are trying to make aliyah. A rabbinic decree won't let them

A long-standing rabbinic decree in Mexico refuses to recognize converts and admit them into Jewish communities, preventing converts from making aliyah.

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30 reasons why you should move to Israel

Here are 30 reasons we moved to Israel – and why you should consider doing so, too…even now. Some of these reasons may be familiar; others, I hope, will be surprising, even personal.


MKs push gov't to greenlight aliyah for 5,000 Bnei Menashe from India

Out of the 5,000 awaiting aliyah, approximately half have relatives who have already moved to Israel.

Remembering Murray Greenfield, a New York-born Israeli hero

Greenfield dedicated his life to public service and building the future of Israel.

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