"We are excited to bring Israela's proven expertise to English-speaking communities," says Colonel Vach. "Aliyah is a response to strengthening Israel amidst adversity."
The Aliyah and Integration Ministry reported that in the last decade, 602 women named Ruth and Naomi have made aliyah to Israel, reflecting cultural and historical connections.
Your aliyah is not only a physical, geographical transition, it is in fact joining the Jewish people’s historical and national journey toward building a strong, safe, and prosperous home.
"Every time I left Israel, I always felt I would come back." Jordan Weil's aliyah journey.
The campaign calls for Jews to commit 'Davka' (doing the opposite of what they are told) and move to Israel now.
Hockey fans accustomed to Stan Fischler’s eloquence describing hockey may find his fervor in describing the beauty of northern Israel surreal, but it is authentic.
"People who are interested in moving their legal profession, who are interested in the opportunities in Israel, should feel this is still a good time,"
Leah embraces the words of one of her many beloved rabbis and teachers who encourages people to “be where history is being written” – in Israel.
It might seem like a huge jump from being an OB/GYN to a successful entrepreneur to an epoxy craftsman, but Alvin Schamroth sees each as expressing a different part of himself.
Parting wisdom for potential olim: Surround yourself with a familiar environment, even in a foreign country.