The virus the alpacas were infected with was the same strain that has been spreading among dairy cattle in recent months.
The Minnesota Board of Animal Health noted that the risk to the public is “extremely low.”
This beautiful creature has colorful rear wings, and surprisingly, its front wings are almost transparent. No other butterfly in Israel has transparent-like wings except the Apollo.
Whales evolved a bit more than 50 million years ago from hoofed, land-dwelling mammals as big as a medium-sized dog.
"Here, we have good evidence for a smaller mammal preying on a larger dinosaur, which is not something we would have guessed without this fossil," Mallon added.
"Dinosaurs nearly always outsized their mammal contemporaries, so traditional belief has been that their interactions were unilateral - the bigger dinosaurs always ate the smaller mammals."
A new study finds that large group size and mating systems in which males have multiple mates drove the evolution of lower-pitched voices in primates.
The authors said that their findings deepen their understanding of how the evolution of more convoluted channels enabled mammals’ - especially cats’ - enhanced sense of smell.
The infected cats were found in locations separated by hundreds of kilometers.
A rare 6-foot species of seal weighing hundreds of pounds who has traveled the eastern Mediterranean — waded into the water and swam away.