Marine Le Pen

'Mélenchon is threat to Jews': French Jewish leader calls for moderates to form government

"We need to raise awareness among the moderate left, that it will not be acceptable to be in a coalition with Mélenchon," said CRIF president Yonathan Arfi.

French PM Attal to resign following left-wing alliance triumph at elections

Marine Le Pen's National Rally party underperformed in the French parliamentary elections, while the left-wing alliance became the largest faction, leading to the Prime Minister's resignation.

Left-wing New Popular Front coalition leads second round of French parliamentary elections –polls

An Opinionway poll for C News TV said the New Popular Front would win 180-210 seats while an Elabe poll for BFM TV projected a range of 175-205 seats for them.


French Jewish leaders ahead of vote: 'Neither National Rally nor La France Insoumise'

The French Chief Rabbi, Central Consistory, CRIF, FSJU, Bnai Brith France and other leading French Jewish groups have cautioned against voting far-left or far-right.

Don't be fooled: France's National Rally has not shaken its antisemitic past

France’s National Rally (RN) has admittedly rebranded itself and made pro-Israel statements, but it shed neither its antisemitic grandees nor its pro-Russian credentials.

The fate of French Jews in the aftermath of the snap elections

Following the first round of French snap elections, many French Jews wonder: where are we heading?


French Jewish community heads request meeting with National Rally's Le Pen

The Jewish leaders represented small communities and suburbs and did not come from any of the country's established Jewish groups or institutions.

France's political shift and Israel's delicate balancing act

Amichai Chikli: "It would be excellent for Marine Le Pen to be the president."


Paris Grand Synagogue Rabbi: ‘There is no future for Jews in France’

"It is clear today that there is no future for Jews in France," Rabbi Moshe Sebbag told The Jerusalem Post on Monday. "I tell everyone who is young to go to Israel or a more secure country."

Historic win for far right in French first-round vote

The RN and allies had 33% of the vote, followed by a leftwing bloc with 28% and President Emmanuel Macron's centrists with just 20%.

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