The reefs in Eilat displayed widespread bleaching, a phenomenon in which the symbiosis between coral and algae fails, typically due to high water temperatures.
The plant, operated by the IEC, uses seawater to cool its production units. It then releases the slightly warmer water back into the sea, which can attract fish and sharks.
Researchers document a sperm whale's journey, seeking to discover how the species persevered despite climate change's impact.
While whale sharks can grow to be over 18 meters in length, this one spotted in Eilat was apparently just around six meters. That's the size of six other sharks, assuming those sharks are catsharks.
Sharks differ from other fish in their amazing ability to heal from wounds, according to reports of sharks recovering from injuries sustained in the wild.
The team found that reducing the amount of gear used by the fishermen was more impactful in reducing whale deaths than other hi-tech options.
Quinn’s horny sponge has even been seen to include living animals and plants which continue to grow whilst being part of a symbiotic relationship with the sponge.
This is the seventh whale in recent years to have washed up dead on Israel's shorelines.
New research on octopus cognition presents a promising model for studying memory networks in other animals and humans.
Passengers aboard a cruise ship that had docked in the Faroe Islands were shocked and horrified to bear witness to the mass slaughter of pilot whales.