Just as humans often modify our speech and use 'baby-talk' when talking to babies, a new study finds that bottlenose dolphins do the same with their young.
In approving the text, member states have "pumped new life and hope to give the ocean a fighting chance," UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said in a statement.
In some of the specimens, nerves and digestive systems are still fully intact, which is extremely rare.
The climate phenomenon known as "El Niño" has caused oceans to reach the highest temperatures in recorded history.
A group of approximately 10 dolphins was spotted swimming close to the water's surface by the Israeli-Egyptian border.
A study found man-made noise could increase the risk of mother whales being separated from their calves since their normal vocalizations are quiet.
Sea butterflies are not known to sting or harm humans.
Unlike other pollutants, pharmaceuticals, which are not fully metabolized in the body, are designed to affect biological systems in even very small amounts.