In recent years, the accusation that Jews sold out Jesus to his eventual crucifiers has reemerged as a cause to be championed among some far-right Christian sects.
Republican Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene claimed criminal cases being pursued against Trump were a ruse so that he could be murdered in jail.
No one has done more to create the chaos that is the Republican-led House of Representatives, and no one is doing more to end it and flip the chamber Democratic in November.
Senate leaders spent hours on Friday negotiating a number of amendments to the budget bill that ultimately were defeated.
I need those Jewish space lasers to be real. Because if Israel goes to war with Lebanon using the same methods we used in Gaza, we will lose. But Israelis have been working on just that.
Censuring is one of the final forms of rebuke before expulsion which the House of Representatives can hand out to its members.
The members of Congress cited Tlaib's long history of statements and actions that have been widely deemed as antisemitic, anti-Israel, and dishonest.
As the world fills with ignorance and hatred, Jewish Space Lasers reminds us that there is no such thing as a benign conspiracy theory.
“Antisemitism is not a cudgel to be used against people for political points, nor is Islamophobia or racism or anti-gay behavior or misogyny or any other kind of bigotry,” Tapper said.
The statement from the influential group comes as leaders in Congress and President Joe Biden are negotiating over a deal to raise the debt ceiling.