Matanyahu Englman

State Comptroller Matanyahu Englmann attends a press conference to announce the opening of an invest

Comptroller: 60% of IDF purchases fail quality control tests

This issue is exacerbated, the report noted, by the fact that the IDF does not report comprehensive data on quality control failures to the Defense Ministry, which manages the purchases.  

The time has come for an investigation into the October 7 failures

There are those who argue and say “not yet,” who say “wait until the war is over.”

State Comptroller Matanyahu Englmann attends a press conference to announce the opening of an invest

State Comptroller to Netanyahu, Halevi: 'Cooperate on examination of Oct. 7'

He also added that the citizens of Israel had the right to receive answers regarding the event. 

Israel's state comptroller to probe transfer of funds to Hamas

Matanyahu Englman's office had already begun the investigation process upon procurement of Shin Bet computers and documents.


Israel's comptroller to kickstart October 7 probe without IDF approval

Matanyahu Englman demanded that Halevi meet with him one-on-one in the near future to finalize the details of how the IDF will cooperate with the comptroller probe.

State comptroller's report exposes Israel's risky earthquake unpreparedness

Some 60% of hospitals are not resistant to earthquakes, and only about 5% of educational institutions have been or are being reinforced.

After Morocco, Israel could be next to suffer massive earthquake

Israel is located at the juncture of the African and Arabian tectonic plates and, therefore, faces an elevated seismic threat. Experts say a major earthquake is not a matter of if, but when.

Israel's education system suffers severe gaps, Jews favored in schools

Matanyahu Englman: "There must not be some children who are worth more and other children who are worth less."

Israel State Comptroller outlines plan to mitigate the huge risk posed by AI

Englman laid out the State Comptroller's plan to assess the readiness, regulation, and implementation of AI in public-state systems.

Israel to host 2024 EUROSAI regional audit org congress

Israeli State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman is set to become president of EUROSAI, replacing the Czech Republic's Miloslav Kala.

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