Preserving our national resilience requires remembering that investing in mental health is not only an immediate need but also a vital preparation for whatever challenges may lie ahead.
The ongoing mental health crisis about diaspora Jews calls for building resilience, not pathologizing, spiritual and mental health leaders said at a recent Mental Health IsReal event
An Israeli court has allowed an abused mother and her child to remain in the country, rejecting the father's claim of abduction under the Hague Convention.
A number of countries have already vowed to curb social media use by children through legislation, though Australia's policy is one of the most stringent.
Global volunteers at Reuth TLV play vital roles, uplifting patients and finding purpose while navigating wartime challenges in Israel.
The study followed over 750,000 birthing people in Ontario between 2007 and 2017, tracking mental health outcomes for up to 14 years after delivery.
It is imperative that we acknowledge grandparents's pain and provide them with the necessary resources to heal and find meaning in their lives.
This is not just a moral duty but also a national interest of the highest order. Shirel Golan’s death must be the final warning sign.
The researchers noted that the current study referred to the general population in Israel, but there are also specific groups at increased risk during national crises or wars.
NII has delayed the decision on whether to provide mental health care to family members of ex-hostages and has continued to provide financial assistance, but at the end of October, aid stopped.