Moshe Gafni

Israelis protest in front of UTJ's Moshe Gafni's house in Bnei Brak

Despite calls by Gafni to his supporters not to arrive and confront the protesters, dozens of Bnei Brak residents came to the scene.

Hametz Law passes first reading in Knesset overnight

The bill will allow hospital managers to decide on the Passover arrangements in each hospital, including wholly prohibiting hametz from entering the building.

Haredi students at the Jerusalem College of Technology

Haredi faction demands funding for its private schools in Israel's new state budget

Senior figures in Degel Hatorah even threatened not to support the budget in the Knesset if the issue is not taken care of.

A MAN wraps fresh matza during Passover in Ashdod in 2016

Ministers approve controversial 'Hametz Law' for preliminary reading in Knesset

The "Hametz Law" makes it illegal for hospitals to enter or hold hametz (leavened bread) during Passover.

Real estate market

Israel delays bill to freeze mortgage rates for first-time buyers

Gafni and Smotrich said they would meet with the banking regulator, which is part of the central bank, to come up with a solution for mortgage holders.


MK Moshe Gafni proposes law to segregate Israel's nature reserves

A bill put forward by the UTJ MK could see Israel's nature reserves become segregated by gender for at least 15% of their operational hours.

Knesset members receive 'just' 5.1% salary raise due to cost of living crisis

The salaries were frozen during the COVID-19 pandemic and were supposed to automatically rise by 12.5%.

Did a Jewish fast day play a role in Ben-Gvir's Temple Mount trip? - opinion

Biden aide: “I told them: today is one of those fasts which mark the lead-up to the destruction. Where the Israeli minister went today is the place where both Temples existed and were destroyed.”


Likud's chief Netanyahu critic given Knesset Economy Committee chair

10 of 12 chairs were approved, while the two other committees will be headed by Likud MKs who will be approved in a faction meeting.

UTJ's Gafni slams Ben-Gvir, says Temple Mount visit was 'a violation of Jewish law'

Ben-Gvir responded to Gafni's accusations by saying that he should find it "inappropriate to preach morals."

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