Moshe Lion

Moshe Lion is an Israeli politician and is, at the time of writing, the incumbent mayor of Jerusalem.

Having won the municipal elections in 2018 and replacing Nir Barkat, Lion is notable for being the first Sephardi mayor of Jerusalem.

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Secular unease at municipal elections results in Jerusalem, fear of change in city governance

A Tale of Two Jerusalems: Secular Unease Rising as ultra-Orthodox parties win over half the seats in Jerusalem’s City Council, indicating a potential change in the city’s governance.


Jerusalem municipal elections: Who won? What happens next?

Jerusalem barely turned out to the polls for the municipal elections. What happens next?


De-meow-crat-ya: Taking my cat to vote in municipal elections

I decided to take my cat Medici – full name: HaRav Medici di Cuddlebutt Reich, a staunch supporter of Shas – to vote in the Jerusalem municipal elections.


Lion victorious in Jerusalem in landslide victory; Huldai wins in Tel Aviv

With the majority of ballots counted, the incumbents of Israel's two largest cities cling to victory and are set to serve for another five years.

Who are the haredi Jews running in Jerusalem's municipal election?

In the haredi sector, there four lists competing against each other for seats on the Jerusalem city council.


Jerusalem is a city of lights. This man keeps those lights running

Jerusalemite of the Week: The head of public lighting and power infrastructure for the Jerusalem Municipality, Michael Lidsky is tasked with lighting up the biggest city in Israel.


How Mayor Moshe Lion is transforming Jerusalem and preserving stability

Beyond fostering unity, Mayor Moshe Lion has transformed Jerusalem into a bustling construction zone – however, one that is meticulously organized.

This week in Jerusalem: Money for the city

A weekly round-up of city affairs.


Grapevine: Mazal Tov: 60 years

Movers and shakers in Israeli society.

Grapevine: In residence?

Movers and shakers in Israeli society.

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