Moshe Lion

Grapevine: Much that is positive

Movers and shakers in Israeli society.

How are Jerusalem's politicians getting ready for municipal elections?

There have been some posters, some exposure on the media networks, and occasionally a few private salon get-togethers – but the big “action” has not happened yet. 


Jerusalem parties feud over haredi schools in secular neighborhoods

What is on the agenda now is feeling among some of the city’s residents that the ultra-Orthodox representatives are establishing facts on the ground and preparing to deepen their influence.


Jerusalem city councilors start their 2023 election campaigns

Jerusalem city councilors Laura Wharton and Yossi Havilio failed to unite their lists and run together, but their platforms are largely similar.


This week in Jerusalem: Helpless

A weekly round-up of city affairs.


Moshe Lion, Yossi Saidov: Old West-esque rivals of Jerusalem politics

In this story, there is no good, no bad and no ugly. There is a powerful mayor who has managed to keep his 2018 election campaign promises against a simple city resident and activist.


'Jerusalem is seeing a revolution' - Mayor Lion at the JPost Conference

Lion in his speech emphasized the "special bond" between the cities of New York and Jerusalem and described the many ways in which the cities cooperate.

 Reuven Kopitchinski

Moshe Lion to address ties between NY-Jerusalem

His address will provide updated information about three major projects currently under development.

Jerusalem for everyone? Tensions simmer in Israel's divided capital

While Lion tries his best to convey that the city belongs to everyone, including non-Jews who live here, the main struggles in recent days have centered around this issue.


This week in Jerusalem: Marching with Pride

A weekly round-up of city affairs.

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