National Library of Israel

National Library receives personal archives of late Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

The archive was acquired with support from the Rothschild Foundation Hanadiv Europe. Once the files are cataloged, the library intends to provide extensive access to researchers.

Grapevine: Voting tradition

Movers and shakers in Israeli society.

National Library of Israel rolls out a bookmobile

The National Library of Israel's bookmobile, featuring pictures of Ir-Meow-hu the Library Cat, has been visiting evacuee centers throughout Israel.


World's largest collection of Yemenite Jewish manuscripts donated to Israel's National Library

The collection was bequeathed to the library by the family of the late Yehuda Levi Nahum, a Jew with a passion for his Yemenite heritage who immigrated to Israel from Yemen in 1929.

 (L to R): "Book of Hours"; "Wonders of the Creatures and Marvels of Creation"

'101 Treasures': Travel back in time at the National Library of Israel - review

Reading 101 Treasures from the National Library of Israel is like wandering through a fascinating museum where each exhibit has something exciting and unusual to teach you


New music and clips honor October 7 victims

The Jerusalem Orchestra East West has released When the Rain Ends, Spring Will Come, a four-part mini-album of original pieces by maestro Tom Cohen.

Israel's National Library highlights hostages, unveils new book

To celebrate the opening of the library, a new coffee-table book, 101 Treasures from the National Library of Israel, has been published, showing the enormous variety of materials at the library.


Visiting the new National Library building - feature

As one starts roaming the library, one is struck by the calm magnificence of the building and its soft coloration.

Unveiling the new National Library of Israel's building

About a month after the postponement of the official opening date, most of the people who used to spend hours in the old building are going to National Library of Israel in its new building

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