Subsidized tours, night safaris, family camping, and bike trips: Seven weekends of attractions and experiences in the Jordan Valley at minimal cost. Starting on Tu Bishvat with special activities.
The rare Petrel has only been spotted in Israel seven times before Tuesday’s discovery.
"Animals are not just inhabitants of the natural world; they are its architects," the researchers stated.
Study estimates each wolf could contribute to annual carbon uptake of 6,080 tonnes of CO2, supporting UK's climate targets.
A look at the precarious beauty of Shayan Rose Ben Sira’s stacked sculptures.
The lake is 138.3 meters long, 42 meters wide, and holds 8,335 cubic meters of hot, mineral-rich water.
The bird has a short tail ending in a pygostyle, an important aerodynamic innovation moving the center of mass forward toward the wings.
Nectarines in Hula Valley, paulownia in Netzer Sereni, Lupines in Gedera, and the oak grove in Netanya: Israel’s top photography guides reveal the perfect blooming spots.
Conservationists plan genetic tests to study the wolves' unusual genetic makeup.
This achievement could help save endangered marsupials like koalas and Tasmanian devils.