The program officially launched in mid-November upon the enrollment of 17 new immigrants to Israel at Sapir College.
A traditional and highly popular sport across the Middle East, camel racing is beloved among Israel’s Bedouin community.
Additionally, the commissioner instructed the implementation of controlled entry and exit checkpoints in communities to enhance residents' security and continue enforcement against crime.
The statement noted that, under Ben-Gvir's policy, the issuance of demolition orders has increased 400% since the beginning of 2024.
The study reveals that older participants exhibited lower signs of stress and anxiety than younger ones.
The event, which lasted from the early morning hours until the afternoon, was a great success, and the spectators came from all over the country and included local communities of Jews and Bedouins.
"Those who don the MDA uniform are like family to me, and I will always choose to come whenever I’m needed, no matter how far I have to travel."
The festival will bring award-winning films and restored classics to an open-air setting at the stunning Ashush Natural Reserve.
Yatir Winery's wines come exclusively from its high-elevation vineyards in the Yatir Forest, which are only 10 minutes away from the winery.
During the operation, aided by the police aerial array, forces mapped out the area, which including training sites closed to the public.