Netflix’s Rebel Moon – Part One: A Child of Fire,” attempts to create a ready-made Star Wars-like series with its own internal mythology and iconography.
The Documentary #NOVA covers the events of the October 7 massacre at a music festival, while Enemies covers the leaders of Iran, Hezbollah, PFLP, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.
Some of the television options illustrate how creative Israelis have become, developing new content in the face of this difficult situation.
A TV series about an Israeli president's rape and harassment of women wins prize in major French festival.
Earlier this year, Netflix’s attempt to depict Cleopatra was met with disappointment.
Bros tells the story of the inseparable childhood friends Pini and Nisso (Savyon and Amir), co-owners of a local Jerusalem bar, and die-hard Beitar Jerusalem soccer fans.
"Especially today, it’s important for countries, especially democracies, to say, clearly... that sometimes you have to protect democracy and sometimes it requires doing ugly things.”