"The New Jersey State Police is investigating a bomb threat at the American Dream Mall," Governor Murphy said in a post on the X social media network.
Police continue to investigate the incident although currently no information has been released to the public as to the perpetrators or their intentions.
Christie urged protestors to “come to Israel and see it for yourself.” • “If you don’t understand the stakes after seeing this, then you’re lost.”
Menendez has stepped down temporarily from his role as chairman of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Local news outlets confirmed the time and location of the crash in South Brunswick, New Jersey.
Jackson is now required to notify the state of any decision or regulation that would affect local religious land use or practice.
The art teacher was engaged at the time her pregnancy was announced, leading to the school firing her.
Racheli Adler: “My family knew that when I came to Israel for a gap year, I wasn’t returning. My parents built their life in a way that as soon as we were all here, they’d be able to come, too.”
LIVE: Israeli jazz guitarist and composer Inbar Fridman in conversation with jazz journalist Yotam Ziv.
Multiple civilians and firefighters suffered minor injuries when the crane boom, a 16-ton load of concrete being lifted and debris from the nearby building fell into the street.