The route connects LAX with Athens International Airport (ATH), located just a two-hour flight from Tel Aviv, making it a cheaper and quicker option for reaching Israel.
She skied 1,133 kilometers to the South Pole in 54 days, pulling a 100 kg sled—double her body weight.
The clerk allegedly responded by calling Elpeleg a “child murderer” and told him he was no longer allowed in the store.
Researchers prefer to speak of encounters and interactions rather than attacks and assume that the orcas do not act with aggressive intent.
Elon Musk faces criticism for meddling in foreign politics, warning of the dangers of his vast influence from both Norway and Germany.
An international team of scientists unveiled exceptionally well-preserved glacial landforms buried nearly one kilometer beneath the North Sea, dating back approximately one million years.
The Norwegian Football Federation president said she stands behind her government's call to end the war in Gaza.
The decision to divest comes after the fund's ethics watchdog adopted a new, tougher interpretation of ethics standards for businesses that aid Israel's operations in the West Bank.
The gov revised its 2024 budget, proposing an increase in aid of NOK 176 million, which will be split proportionally among the Palestinian Authority in Gaza, Lebanon, and UNRWA.