nuclear watchdog

IAEA complains about anti-personnel mines in Russian-held nuclear plant

Ukraine and Russia accuse each other of shelling around the station and the IAEA has been trying to set up a safety mechanism to prevent accidents.


Nuclear arsenals grow as global arms race takes shape - analysis

The increase in nuclear arsenals has raised eyebrows in the Middle East and other regions. Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons and continues to enrich uranium.  

New IAEA monitors reach Ukraine nuclear plant at fourth attempt, Russian official tells TASS

Russia and Ukraine have both accused the other of risking a nuclear accident, IAEA monitors have been posted at the station since September.


IAEA finds uranium enriched to 84% in Iran, near bomb-grade

The UN nuclear watchdog has found uranium enriched to 84% in Iran - very close to weapons grade

Russian ex-president Medvedev says Japanese PM should disembowel himself

In response to the Japanese and US president issuing a statement condemning potential use of Nuclear bombs against Ukraine, former Russian PM said the Japanese PM should disembowel himself.

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