Calculating taxes

OECD proposes profit rates for marketing income - opinion

Because there is apparently no size limit, these proposals, if adopted, could shake up Israeli and international routine trade and tax across the 143 countries signed up to the OECD/G20 alliance.


Israel had highest cost of living in OECD in 2022

In June of this year, Israel fell to fourth place behind Iceland, Ireland, and Switzerland.

'Poverty, by America': Explaining poverty in Israel and the US - review

Each society goes about “manufacturing” poverty in its own way and high levels of poverty – whether in rich or less prosperous societies – are by no means inevitable.


Is Israel’s notorious cost of living really that high?

A slew of economic factors have landed the Jewish state in a fairly expensive position – but how does it compare to other countries?

Will faltering investment numbers threaten Israeli hi-tech’s growth and success?

IIA Chairman: “It is a period of deep economic and social crisis, but also a period that presents opportunities if we can navigate wisely.”

Israel's climate performance doesn't match its sustainable innovations - opinion

Instead of a rap on the knuckles, let us hope that future reports on Israel’s environmental performance match up to the incredible record Israel has on sustainable innovations.


How green are Israeli households? New report says Israel falling behind

Only when it comes to willingness to replace red meat with lab-grown meat, is Israel ahead of the other countries.

'Not a big deal': Smotrich admits he has trouble speaking English

A video of Smotrich speaking before the Israel Bonds conference in broken English went viral in March.


Climate activists plan to protest ‘shameful’ climate bill

“We are not saying don’t pass a climate law,” Yardena Israeli stressed. “We want the country to pass an effective law.”

Israel not on track to meet its climate ambitions, OECD warns

Review provides 24 recommendations for improving sustainability

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