
 The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra performing at the ZOA House in Tel Aviv, August 1, 1953

76 years of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra

No other top-flight orchestra in the world is so closely identified with its constituency as the Israel Philharmonic.

Jerusalem Highlights May 10 – May 16

Editor’s note: Due to the current security situation, events listed below may be postponed or canceled. Check before booking, and stay safe.

A dispatch from the 2024 Salzburg Easter Festival: Celebrating mastery and orchestral brilliance

La Gioconda is infrequently performed because of its complicated plot, demanding vocal requirements, giant choral forces, and complex staging.

All together now - Beit Hagefen unveils an inclusive program for its 60th anniversary

Beit Hagefen celebrates its 60th anniversary with a diverse program promoting harmony between Jewish and Arab communities through music, art, and cultural events in Haifa.


Ra'anana Symphonette shines light on new talent

In an exciting musical event, Ra'anana Symphonette highlights Maayan Franco and Nadav Ein-Gal's work, marking them as "stars of the future."


Bouncing Bach: The eighth edition of Bach Festival celebrates the composer's work

This year's Bach Festival, already in its eighth edition, will see the Jerusalem Baroque Orchestra perform the storied musician's pieces.


‘Monty Python’s Passion’ to play at the Israeli Opera

Few evenings at the opera start with the orchestra tuning its instruments to the sound of a goose being strangled. 'Monty Python’s Passion' is playing in April.

 AVNER DORMAN’S choral Symphony ‘Dialogues of Love’ will be performed for the first time by the IPO

Love and Majesty from the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra

The orchestra will perform the choral symphony Dialogues of Love, based on a work by the medieval Jewish rabbi Judah Leone Abarvanel.


Music for everybody in Eilat

This year’s Classicameri Festival spreads the fun musical word far and wide.


Jerusalem classic cellist performs 'moonlighting' solo concert

Talia Erdal will demonstrate where her extracurricular “moonlighting” activities are taking her on December 14, when she plays a solo concert at Mishkenot Sha’ananim.

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