Redemption and progress cannot come at the expense of another’s dignity.
The remarkable story of six heroines – six courageous women without whom there would not have been a Moses.
The act of giving blessing creates connection. Hopefully, we do not wait until the end of our lives to create or facilitate this connection with our loved ones as Jacob did.
While everyone makes mistakes, a leader whose decisions stem from rashness and haste can spell disaster for his people – and potentially for humanity as a whole.
Many times, salvation is not complicated at all. It is already here, right before our eyes.
The Torah reminds us of a slower tempo. That cadence can enhance our ability to act more long term and proactively, as we face so many dilemmas, to be more like Joseph and practice “provention.”
"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude," - Thomas Jefferson.