
Parashat Tazria: ‘Tzara’at’ and divine providence

Judaism believes that God does not abandon man, and even if providence is not revealed, it exists in a hidden dimension and affects the course of a person’s life.

Parashat Shemini: Humility as a prerequisite for the role

A parent, an educator, a parliamentarian, or a rabbi – all are roles designed for the public. And as such, the necessary prerequisite for the fulfillment of the role is the trait of humility.

Parashat Shemini: Turning inward, turning outward

The war was reductive, stripping away externals of Jewish identity and exposing the common core of what unites every Jew. It endowed us with unity, but it also heightened our communal identity.

Parashat Vayikra: Satisfaction and sacrifice

What is it about these two things, anything leavened and sweet fruits, that causes their prohibition as offerings?

Parashat Vayikra: Burnt offerings

Some people have seen their homes consumed by fire or shattered by bombs, their loved ones taken captive or fallen in battle as a “kapparah,” giving their lives up for all Israel.


Parashat Pekudei: What can we do?

Man is not required to do what is beyond his abilities, but he is also not exempt from doing what is possible for him – and the rest we leave to the creator of the world to accomplish.

Parashat Vayahkhel: Shabbat – the sign of connection

The prohibition of work on Shabbat for the construction of the Mishkan underscores the importance and elevation of Shabbat.

God is unknowable: Having faith doesn't mean having all the answers

We must learn to better calibrate our voices between faith and uncertainty. We don’t have all the answers.

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