Explore kosher vodka options for Passover, including Trump Vodka, Forty Vodka, and more, ensuring a festive holiday celebration.
Papa John's has a special kosher menu, featuring gluten-free dough and nationwide availability.
I’ll keep it short and sweet – like these recipes for you to enjoy for the remainder of Passover, as well as all year long.
I’ve chosen four wineries – two of Israel’s smaller wineries and two larger – to highlight this year.
As I was reminded over and again in my seminary studies, “The defining metaphor of the Jewish people is the Exodus from Egypt.”
“They immediately said, ‘We’ll have to figure out a new way,’” recalled Balser, who represents the heavily Jewish suburb of Newton.
However we chose to mark or observe Seder night this year, the central theme for all but a few perhaps was the plight of the hostages and the victims of October 7.
In 2024, a Jewish and secular leap year, I decided it was an opportunity to focus on a few of the Passover-related objects in their collection.