There is the ideal Seder in your mind and then there is the real Seder in your house with impatience, rolling eyes, spilled wine, siblings quibbling, and – yes – a lack of the children’s interest.
On this Sabbath, it is customary in many communities to read Shir Hashirim, the “Song of Songs” – the biblical love song composed by King Solomon.
Particularly this year, it’s crucial to ensure that the entire congregation is present for these commemorative prayers.
The contrast between the bon vivant Hersh that the country has come to know in the last 200 days through photos and the thin, scared, and dour Hersh in Wednesday’s video was startling.
There was no escaping that this was a Passover night different from all other Passover nights.
From baking to snacking, Passover shelves are brimming with a diverse array of kosher delights, promising a culinary adventure for all.
On Passover, when we sit down to the Seder table, we declare together, “In every generation, they rise against us to annihilate us, but the Holy One, blessed be He, saves us from their hands.”
The Israeli Ministry of Tourism, led by Haim Katz, housed displaced residents in hotels during the war with Hamas, providing financial support and preparing for the tourism industry's recovery.
We didn’t need to ask Mah Nishtanah, why is this night different? Jews worldwide felt the added burden this Passover.