
NGOs petition High Court against passport plan at expense of visas

Interior Minister Moshe Arbel: "The passport marathon operation continues in full force."

An Israeli soldier opens a gate at a military base leading to the border crossing with Lebanon

Israel saw over 400 recent attempts to cross border with fake ID - comptroller

2.9 million Israelis, or around 37% of the population will have their ID cards expire in the coming years, Matanyahu Englman said.

Israel's appointment-free passport offices draw major lines on first day

Israeli Interior Minister Moshe Arbel called for people to be patient and prepare to wait for hours in lines at the passport offices.

Israeli gov't passport plan a rights violation, denies urgent visas - NGOs

The NGOs called on the Interior Ministry to retract the cancellation of visa services, or reduce the plan to two days a week.

The Israeli passport crisis - opinion

The expectation that citizens should roam the length and breadth of Israel in order to find an appointment slot somewhere in order to renew a passport is preposterous.

Israel Post prepares to deliver thousands of renewed passports

The amount of issued passports is expected to rise to 300,000 per month with the post office preparing to increase its passport delivery capacity accordingly.

What is Israel doing to address the passport backlog crisis?

New offices will be opened designated only to issuing passports.

Russia mulls passports for families of mobilized soldiers - report

Russian President Vladimir Putin shared his support for the move, which is being implemented in Russia's Kurgan Oblast.

Close up of woman hand with engagement ring holding passport and suitcase travel

Where does Israel rank in the world's most powerful passports?

Israel remains steady and able to travel without hassle to many countries across the world - but which passports are the strongest?

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