pay for slay

SECURITY FORCES are on the scene after a deadly Palestinian terrorist shooting attack near al-Funduq

The PA must stop 'pay for slay' to be a partner for peace

Israel needs to declare that until the PA takes concrete steps to dismantle its system of rewarding terrorism, any talk of its role in future governance arrangements are a non-starter.


Economic strains force PA to cut 'pay-for-slay' payment to terrorists, study finds

The study named economic pressure and material and bureaucratic hurdles in Gaza among reasons for decrease in pay-for-slay funding.


To wage my small war against Palestinian terror, I am suing the PA for NIS 50 million

For thirty years, since Yasser Arafat took power in 1994, the PA has been supporting terror against innocent Jews around the world. 


Fuld case gains momentum as DOJ and bipartisan leaders push for Supreme Court review

If deemed constitutional, the case would return to the Southern District, continuing without the major roadblocks faced thus far.

Fuld case gains momentum as DOJ and bipartisan leaders push for Supreme Court review

If deemed constitutional, the case would return to the Southern District, continuing without the major roadblocks faced thus far.

Knesset passes law to help terror victims sue terrorist financiers

Amounts received in such lawsuits will not be deducted from the amount paid to victims of terrorism on behalf of the state.

Israelis should demand their gov't shake off the self-delusional reverie of peace with the PA

The basic, underlying assumptions and security paradigms upon which Israeli policy has been built for decades came crashing down on October 7.


The Palestinian Authority cannot govern Gaza - opinion

Society cannot accept any arrangement installing PA rule over Gaza due to the sheer laziness or willful blindness of Western leaders, as the PA fosters, funds, and furthers violence. 


US bipartisan group calls on Blinken to end Palestinian 'pay-for-slay'

The scheme currently costs the Palestinian Authority $300 million annually (approximately NIS 1 billion) and amounts to 8% of the PA’s budget.

Britain's current transparency approach is morally wrong - editorial

The British government is refusing to disclose whether it has safeguards in place to ensure that its aid to the PA is not underwriting the obscene “pay to slay” policy.

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