
Emperor penguins in Antarctica are threatened by loss of sea ice

Sea ice in Antartica is steadily declining, threatening emperor penguin colonies which rely on sea ice for their breeding cycles.

Antarctica: Land at the end of the Earth

Tourists from all over the world are flocking to see it before it sinks like fabled Atlantis under the waves and is lost forever.


Just 5% of people can: Can you spot the penguin among the pelicans?

This puzzle was shared on TikTok and many people struggled to figure it out. Can you find the penguin among the pelicans?

2 asteroids the size of 22 penguins to pass Earth this weekend - NASA

Both asteroids 2023 AT and 2023 AE1 are as much as 22 meters wide, meaning 22 emperor penguins. They won't hit us though – penguins are more likely to.

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