For too long, many of us have told our children that to be an Israeli soldier is the pinnacle of Jewishness and Zionism. The truth is that it is not, and it never was.
Plato's possible final resting place was hinted at through deciphering ancient scroll, linking him to a garden at the Academy in Athens, recent research using advanced imaging technologies shows.
Known as the "Mad Gadfly," Socrates's life, philosophical teachings, and trial and execution by Athens are world famous. But was he real?
Beyond his contributions to philosophy, Spinoza helped pioneer secular scholarship of the Bible by stressing its human authorship.
Let’s take a look at the many words that include the combining form of “phil” or “phile” and see what we can uncover.
Do science and rationality get in the way of understanding full reality, not getting to the core where inner peace resides?
Avineri was a prolific writer, authoring 10 books and contributing significantly to the understanding of Zionism, socialism, and political philosophy.
Western philosophy is no match for the Hamas ideology because they are fighting two different battles.