Despite Brand's removal, the book's contributors include many other celebrities with antisemitic pasts.
The power of the written word is indisputable, so Rambam Health Care Campus decided to mobilize it for the benefit of mass emotional therapy.
The targeted poems called for fighting against the Russian Empire and promoted Belarussian nationalism.
By keeping alive these bitter memories of our exile, and teaching them to our children, we hope both to prevent their recurrence and to recognize the miraculous continuity of our existence.
As I read the poems, I found myself thinking about what Noah must have felt as the flood waters continued to rise.
This year the festival was dedicated to the memory of Hayim Nachman Bialik, whose birth took place 150 years ago near Zhytomyr, Russia.
Zelda was a devout Jewess, a cousin of the late Lubavitcher Rebbe. Her full name was Zelda Shneerson Mishkowsky, but she only ever went by Zelda.