Will Wagenknecht succeed in remaking Germany’s political landscape?
The move was not a total surprise since Roll had expressed his dissatisfaction with the party line on a number of occasions since October 7.
"We have and continue to condemn publicly Maduro and his representatives for attempting to intimidate Venezuela's democratic opposition," a White House spokesperson said.
The operation was successful, and the 79-year-old Lula is "well" and being monitored in the intensive care unit, the note said.
A number of incidents this week join a worrying trend of government disregard for the law and legal norms.
Term limits are another oft-proposed solution, but would probably require a Constitutional amendment, and the concept has many other flaws.
Rest in peace, Misha. We, who are led by Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, have neither peace nor rest.
Earlier on Wednesday, the two MKs called for a state probe during a Finance Committee meeting in the Knesset.
Trudeau said he will stay on as a caretaker prime minister until his party selects a new leader.
Austrian president invited far-right Austrian Freedom Party leader Herbert Kickl to try to form a coalition.